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Robocop 3

Robocop 3



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In 13 Menus


1993 by Ocean
1993 by Hit Squad Platinum


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ST Graveyard
For the third and final instalment of the game, Ocean called in the DID team. They have created a beautifull 3D bonanza. Robocop 3 might have been the first true first person shooter in gaming history.

The game is a mix of different elements. There is a driving part (a la Hard Drivin') where you'll have to chase the bad guys. There is the first person shooting part. And there is a flight sim part where Robo is strapped to his rocket suite.

In all this is a very impressive game. As with all DID games , the 3D engine is marvelous. There are great, atmospheric cut scenes, game play is awesome and sound effects are among the better on the ST. A feast for eyes and ears.
July 1, 2004

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