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The Atari Legend website is created by the following people :
Maarten Martens avatar Maarten Martens -
ST Graveyard/STG - Code|Design
Mattias Lönnback avatar Mattias Lönnback -
Silver Surfer - Code
Nicolas Guillaumin avatar Nicolas Guillaumin
LynXX - Code
Bruno Mathieu avatar Bruno Mathieu -
Brume - Database
Marcus Lindberg avatar Marcus Lindberg -
Marcer - Database
Mike Mee avatar Mike Mee -
Mug UK - Database|Translations
Stefan Lindberg avatar Stefan Lindberg -
Stefan Lindberg - Database
Thank you to everybody who has helped us out over the years. Without you this project would not exist.

Social Corner

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In Loving Memory

Picture of Andreas Wahlin
1980 - 2007

Gone but not forgotten…

Learn more about Andreas


AL Intro

Screenshot of the AL intro

In July 2017, a Javascript intro screen was created by Dyno of EXO7, to promote the upcomming new website. Click and enjoy!

View the intro

AL Mobile

Screenshot of the site on a mobile phone

Did you know Atari Legend is fully responsive and mobile ready? You want this site to behave like an app on your phone or tablet? Simply open the site in your favorite browser and look for the 'Add to homescreen' button. In Safari on IOS, first press the 'share' icon, then the "Add to home screen" pop-up appears. In Chrome on Android, you press the button at the top right, and select 'add to homescreen'. Once you have done this, the famous Atari bee fits nicely on your homescreen and you can enjoy AL with the tap of a finger.

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