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In 16 Menus


1988 by System 3


Similar Game

Screenshot of International Karate
Andromeda Software



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No other game on any other system makes me laugh out loud like IK+, especially in two-player. Super slick gameplay, pixel-perfect collision detection, nice music, great sampled sound effects. This has got to be the best beat-em-up on the ST. Read my review here.
July 8, 2008
My favourite beat'em up on the ST.
And yes, it is T for the trousers but I never found out other effect shortcuts....
March 15, 2006
The Paranoid
The game behaves odd on STE.
It refuses to play the original intro, starts demo mode and then complains about "bum copy ...".

It runs when starting a game before it freezes though.
December 28, 2005
Its fast. its furious, its unrelenting and its funny! - Yes, its IK+ (International Karate Plus).

This was no mere martial arts or beat-em-up game, this game was tantamount to perfection. That's right, System 3 had arguably crafted the perfect blueprint for beat-em-up games with this gem way back in the late 80s. All the ingredients for a legendary game were there. Whether it be the great gfx, great sound fx or even the inclusion of the 'Mr Miyagi' type referee all the relevent boxes were ticked.

The fighters in the game certainly boasted many great moves with which to incapacitate your opponents, but it was the game's 'signature' move which was the people's favourite. I know I never grew tired of executing the legendary 'ball buster' move on opponents, particularly when using the multi-player option. This never failed to bring a tear to the eye. Ahhhhh sweet satisfaction. Smiley

Verdict: One of, if not THE best in its genre.
August 22, 2005
I guess it was "T" for trousers Smiley
April 14, 2005
ST Graveyard
To me, this is the best beat 'm up for the ST. This game was different then the others, cause you always had three players on the field. So you could play against a human opponent, but you would also have the computer driven player in the game as well. This gave it an extra dimension. The sub games are also a lot of fun.

Oh, and what about the hilarious "drop the pants" joke? Smiley
June 13, 2004

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