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Dungeon Master

Dungeon Master



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In 4 Menus


1987 by FTL
1987 Dungeon Master [V1.0]
1987 Dungeon Master [V1.1]
1988 Dungeon Master [V1.2]
1988 Dungeon Master [V1.3]
1988 Dungeon Master [V1.2]
1988 Dungeon Master [V1.2]

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8bitrocket Jeff Fulton
View and Download the Three Part Strategy guide, Ancient Corridors on Into TheVerticalBlank.com
May 31, 2020
Read my review here.

Also I can't stress enough how brilliant the Dungeon Master Encyclopedia is. If you're a fan of the game, have a squizz. Well done, MR Gothmog, Sir!
July 13, 2008
This is definitely the game that made the ST. No doubt people were buying the ST just to play this game (and oids, of course). This is the ultimate RPG classic. If you've never played Dungeon Master then you've got a cheek calling yourself a gamer. Smiley

Thanks for uploading this. Wicked nostalgia. Love it.
May 20, 2008
This game is the shit, no doubt about it. It suffers few, if any, of the old time "design bugs", you can't loose the keys and never finnish the game etc. It's finely balanced and utterly enjoyable, one of the finest RPG's there are.

That's really the most amazing thing with this game. Most old rpg's are very clumsy and badly designed, but this game stands the test of time, it's as playable today as it was then. Amazing interface and level design.

I remember playing it as a kid, I was so scared that sometime I refused to turn a corner 'cus I was afraid a monster would lurk there and kill me. Later I realized monsters did show just a wee bit on the side anyway, then I went down the long road and developed a thick hide. Nothing scared me until System Shock 2.

i once made a fiction/walkthrough which is probably lost on the net unfortunately. I told in "normal writing" style the tale of four brave adventurers that i wrote as i played the game, dropping walkthrough hints on the most important sections of the game, it's a damn shame i lost it.
October 24, 2004

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