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Double Dragon

Double Dragon



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In 3 Menus


1988 by Melbourne House
1988 by Arcadia
1988 [Alt. box]

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As Double Dragon was the archetypal arcade fighter of the late 80s it came as no surprise when it was converted to the ST.

Playing either Billy or Jimmy Lee you must simply punch, kick and hit anything that is unfortunate enough to get in your way - and I mean anything. There is no subtlety about it, it's just unashamably, unabating joystick bashing action from the start to the finish, and all the better for it. Smiley

The gfx and sfx might not be spectacular, but the gameplay is entertaining. Don't let anyone kid you that this is a bad game despite the fact it received its fair share of criticism over the years. To say so is simply not true. Admittedly the game is far too easy, but this is a trivial complaint.

One final point, do watch out for Abobo - he's truely vicious.

Verdict: You can't go wrong with this solid 'beat-em-up"
August 9, 2005
ST Graveyard
The mother of all side scrolling beat 'em ups. Even though the ST conversion was pretty bad, it still is a super fun (2 player) game! Classic ...
July 5, 2004

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