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In 20 Menus


1987 by Ocean × 1
1987 by Thunder Mountain × 1



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It's not impossible, it just required some forward planning.

You just had to make sure that the 3rd part of level 6 was the last part of the game to complete.

I grew up with Wizball on the Atari ST and I would play it over and over again, and I completed the game numerous times. Smiley
October 16, 2008
The Paranoid
The ST version was not bad at all, one of the better ones by Peter Johnson. The graphics window is a bit small and the sound a bit poor, but it plays very well.

It seems like the ST version has a horrid bug though. After having finished the 2nd blue level, it is disabled and does not allow to collect any more blue drops. On the C64 it stays intact as there is no 3rd blue level.
This way, it is basically impossible to solve the game.
December 28, 2005
I really loved this game, spent houndred of hours
painting they grey worlds with colour.
September 20, 2005
ST Graveyard
One of the first games by Sensible Software (creators of Sensible Soccer and Cannon Fodder). Wizbal is truly an amazing and original game. Pure classy nostalgia! And an unforgettable chiptune!

There was a follow up created a couple of years later called Wizkid.
July 5, 2004

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