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MJJ-Prod releases the Badger demo

April 21, 2004 by Brume

News illustration image MJJ-Prod is just coming to produce a new demo. It's named Badger and it's a mix between a sampled screen and a slideshow demo. It's difficult to define, so try it.
The demo is spread in both versions: the first one is for ST computers (better results may be obtained with STe machines). And the second one has been enhanced for Steem emulator.
Thanks to MJJ-Prod guys for this exclusive gift Smiley

Download the regular version here: Badger
And the Steem enhanced version here: Badger for Steem

Paradox breaks the rules on STe!

April 18, 2004 by Brume

News illustration image Until yesterday the STe was officially able to display 320x200 pixels on screen and use a palette with 4096 colors (16 colors at screen only). Some developers and democrews managed to use an extended palette with 32.768 colors on it, but still in 320x200 pixels.

Paradox has found the way to increase STe capacities: their new demo shows 640x400 pixels on screen, with 14.000 colors on it (the palette contains 29.791 colors)!

Actually the screens scrolls, this is not a fixed slideshow. The result is very incredible! This demo runs on STe/MegaSTe, so please run it on this machines only. Don't try it with Steem, the screens are fully corrupted. And keep the demo on a disk, since it doesn't run from the hard drive.

Download the MSAed version of Highres now!

MSA Converter 2.0a

April 17, 2004 by Brume

News illustration image New version of MSA Converter has been released. According to the author, it features:

Bugs fixed:
- Crash with some bad FAT datas
- Crash during conversion of corrupted MSA disk image
- "Ghost" file when viewing the content of a blank disk image

- "zip_to_diskimg" command line parameter for compatibility with STEEM disk manager V3.1
- ".ST" is added to disk image filenames whitout an extension in command line parameters

- Improved detection the disk image properties when Boot Sector is not valid (with help of Russel Hayward - STEEM)
- Ask for confirmation when converting a ZIP file containing a ST, MSA, STT or DIM file

As always, it's a very good job. Download it: http://pageperso.aol.fr/ZORG63

The Tawnee Stone Slideshow released!

April 13, 2004 by Silver Surfer

News illustration image Posted by Simonsunnyboy on Atari Forum:

Better late then never.
Paradize now releases a planned Outline part:
The Tawnee Stone Slideshow - compatible with Atari STFM/STE/Falcon.
A little xrated slideshow intended for the Wild Compo that didn't make it in time.
Nothing special, just some piccies to view and some digi sound.
Grab it on our website at http://paradize.atari.org/

FYI: This slideshow is XRATED.

MSAed version (Atari ST/STE & emulators compatible) is available here: Tawnee Stone Slideshow.

Undercover Magascene 25 released!

April 13, 2004 by Silver Surfer

News illustration image Yes! Our favourite disk mag UCM has finally been released been released by Moondog/.tSCc. Take your time to download and read this gem as it is worth every second of your time. It comes in 2 different versions - Lite and Full. The Full version features a very nice intro, so grab the Full version .

Nuff said, Download UCM 25Full or UCM 25Lite


April 9, 2004 by Brume

News illustration image Here is another intro coded by the spanish crew The Beasts. According to Solo2, it features stretched scrolls, waving messages, neon fireworks and great music by T-1000.

Visit their [url=http://so_o2.tripod.com/tbc.html]website[/url] to get the file.

Screenshot of Weird Dreams
Random review

"Weird Dreams" is something special, you might not enjoy it, it might be too frustrating, it might be too hard, but it is something you just have to see for yourself.

February 25, 2003 by ST Graveyard

Read the review of Weird Dreams

Did you know?

What does ST stand for? Some people believe it is an abbreviation of "Sam Tramiel", head of Atari. Others say it is short for "16 32", cause the ST was the first in a line of 16 - 32 bit computers by Atari!

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