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Zak Hacks 30

June 17, 2004 by Brume

News illustration image According to Grazey of PHF, the Zak Hacks #30 has been published:
107 more SNDH files this time. Including some quite rare Big Alec SID tunes, and also a Sid Sound Designer SID/Digi tune by No More.
SNDH files are a unified format of ST musics, that can be played with SND Player (ST/Falcon), DeliPlayer (PC), WinJam (PC), Audio Overload (MacOSX).

Go to PHF website to download the full disk.

Site updates

June 10, 2004 by ST Graveyard

Hello everybody,

For those of you who haven't noticed yet, this site just got a little facelift! But more on this later ...

It seems our host upgraded to MYSQL 4. Some pages on the site didn't seem to work correctly. We like to apologize for any inconvenience you have had while surfing the site in the last 3 days. All should be back in order now. If you stumble upon a nasty bug, make sure to report it to us at the forum or drop us a line.

On with the updates now. What's new, you ask? Here goes :

- The game section has got a new interface. The search lists have been optimized, and the game detail pages are a lot nicer to browse through now.
- There are 3 new subsections in the game section, "In development", "Wanted Games" and our own "Gamebase ST" web mirror!
- There is a new "featured game" box that pops up on the right now and then.
- An AL Team section has been added ... It's up to you to find it.
- Finally, a nasty bug was removed from the comments pages. So please people, share all those precious game memories with other visitors.

We are currently adding the finishing touches to the review section, so you can all expect the first game reviews on this website very soon!

That's about it. Hope you enjoy it all. And as always, we are interested in reading your thoughts and comments, so let your voice be heard!


Bold: another great game released today!

June 9, 2004 by Brume

News illustration image After the release of Droid2 three days ago, another rare game has been published today. This time it was written by Laurent Kermel, who looked very productive back in the old days. Unfortunately his games weren't spread so far so they were unavalaible until today.
Bold requires 1MB to run and was coded in GFA Basic. It is a shoot'em up such as Side Arms or R-Type and it's very fun to play (you need to play with the mouse).
Looks like the author has other games in his basket, too! Can't wait to see them, they seem fun and beautiful.

Grab the full game here and visit the official website here in order to download the documentation.

Droid2 released

June 6, 2004 by Brume

News illustration image Back 10 years ago! A game made in 1994 is now available for download. Looks like Droid2 was never released until now. This is the sequel to Droid, a game written by M.P. Lord and drawn by his brother Paddy. The author has also released the map editor for Droid 1. Thanks to Sauron for the news.

Download directly the game here and visit the homepage of the author.

Zak Hacks 29

June 5, 2004 by Grazey

News illustration image D-Day +60 special for you. Another 292 tunes for you (in 96 SNDH files). Check out http://phf.atari.org. Grazey

Audio Exposure ST - Remix CD unveiled

May 22, 2004 by Silver Surfer

News illustration image Completely out of the blue, Rich Davey creator of the famous LGD website has released a remix CD, containing some very exciting tracks.

The Cd contains the following classic tracks

Rings of Medusa
Syntax Terror Fletch
The Killing Game Show
Mindbomb demo
There aren't any sheeps in outer mongolia

Please visit http://audioexposure.atari.org/ to check this out!

Screenshot of Anarcho Ride
Random review

We see a road, we see traffic, yet Anarcho Ride IS NOT a racing game! Instead, the creator tried to build an insane arcade game, and implemented some kind of 'achievement' system (like we see in games of today), to make you come back for more. And he achieved this goal.

August 7, 2018 by ST Graveyard

Read the review of Anarcho Ride

Did you know?

"So we went to Atari and said, 'Hey, we've got this amazing thing, even built with some of your parts, and what do you think about funding us? Or we'll give it to you. We just want to do it. Pay our salary, we'll come work for you.' And they said, 'No.' So then we went to Hewlett-Packard, and they said, 'Hey, we don't need you. You haven't got through college yet.'" -- Apple Computer Inc. founder Steve Jobs, on attempts to get Atari and HP interested in his and Steve Wozniak's personal computer

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