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Get No Fragments #2 through Bit Torrent

April 6, 2004 by Silver Surfer

News illustration image With the recent discussions about the download speed when getting the No Fragments #2 CD. We decided to make it availible through Bit Torrent.

Get it while it's hot! http://www.atarilegend.com/torrents/nf_archive_two_v1.0.torrent

The AL Team

Atari Legend first release

April 6, 2004 by Brume

Just a short news to announce our first release. The game is named 'Le Petit Lecteur' and was published by Carraz in the Eighties. It's a french game for kids. Not so bad, graphics are cute.

It's a co-operation release: the intro was made by Bigfoot more than 12 years ago but wasn't spread so far. The game was supplied by Felx and cracked by myself.

We will release more stuffs in the next weeks. We have already hacked some rare stuffs and we are in the process to crack more. Beware D-Bug, we are in the place! Just joking of course...

'Le Petit Lecteur' is available only at ST Alive website (happy birthday!).
Visit here: http://perso.wanadoo.fr/stalive
Click on the button 'Jeux/Educatifs' to download the file, and don't forget to visit other sections to get more Atari stuffs!

Atari Legend site update

April 4, 2004 by ST Graveyard

Hello everybody,

It is with great pleasure I'm announcing this new update of the AL project. Over the past weeks loads of screenshots and boxscans have been added to the game section. And we have made it all available for your viewing pleasures. To see how much is online, you can checkout the new statistic page in the game section.

Updates :
- Greatly expanded the search functionalities in the game section. From all the game detail pages you can click on any piece of info (eg. developer, publisher, coder, musician, release year ...) to perform a deeper search on the info in the database.
- If you have an account and are logged in, you can add comments to your personal favorites. A new game comment section is available.
- We have added a small statistic page so you can check for yourself when/if new game multimedia is inserted in the database.
- A game info submit page has been placed online (you have to be logged on) so you can send us info regarding games. This way we can complete our database. You can also simply use the forum.
- The game boxscans are now online.
- We have added more functionalities to the screenshot pop ups. Now you can zoom, switch between shots from within the pop up and watch a slideshow of the screenshots!
- Everytime you load the frontpage, a new intro pic and quote is loaded on screen ... Just as a little extra!

I would also like the thank the guys in the AL multimedia team and at Atari Forum for sending so many screenshots and boxscans! We could not have made this site what it is now without you guys. Continue the great work! Thanks very much!

Enjoy the update. That is it for now.

This is the AL team signing of ...

MSA Converter 2.0

March 28, 2004 by Silver Surfer

News illustration image New features in version 2.0:

Bugs fixed:
- Crash on changing directory to an empty one when having some files selected
- Crash on deleting files/directory with bad FAT datas

- Graphic display of the state of the clusters
- Support of command line parameters
- 'configmsa' file replaced by 'msa_converter.ini' which stores more informations
- The state and the position of the explorer windows are now stored
- Can open disk images directly from ZIP archives

- Update of the explorer windows after a file transfer/save
- New icone
- Entirely remade convert window
- Updated ZIP component : ZipForge 2.51

The address has not been changed however : http://pageperso.aol.fr/ZORG63/index.html

Houba demo (preview) by Zuul

March 23, 2004 by Brume

News illustration image Another day, another rare demo sent by Ken of Zuul! How could we thank him enough?.

This time we received the preview version of the Houba demo, probably the last Zuul project on Atari ST. This is a multipart demo and it contains mainly 3D objects. It was never finished since Stix - main coder - was working on a game at the same time. But it looks great, and the gfx are well drawn, too.

Since it was never finished, the demo has no end. Don't be scared if the last screen is black, so. For the non-french readers, 'Houba' is the only word spoken by a caracter named 'Marsupilami'. It was created by Franquin in the comic 'Le Journal de Spirou'.

Download the file here: http://pacidemo.planet-d.net/atarilegend/HOUBA.ZIP

Golden Age demo by Hysteria!

March 22, 2004 by Brume

News illustration image The Golden Age by the French crew named Hysteria was never released. It was mentioned shortly into the Evil screen in the Ventura demo (thanks to Lotek Style/TSCC for this information), but it hasn't actually reached our screens until today. Shame on us.

Fortunately Ken of Zuul sent some days ago a bunch of demos and... it includes most of the screens of the Golden Age! Keep in mind it has never released, so some screens aren't finished and the main loader crashes. Luckily they all work from the desktop. Thanks to Ken for this piece of treasure.

Just download the disk by clicking here: http://pacidemo.planet-d.net/atarilegend/GOLDAGE.ZIP

Screenshot of Manic Miner
Random review

This game is true to the original version, almost pixel by pixel. The graphics were ripped from the Speccy and updated for the ST. Luckily, the pixellated look remains. The maps were designed from the ground up on the ST but created to be as accurate as possible to the 1983 classic. In the end, this gives us a very solid and fluent conversion, programmed in pure ASM, with an oldschool look.

November 6, 2018 by ST Graveyard

Read the review of Manic Miner

Did you know?

"So we went to Atari and said, 'Hey, we've got this amazing thing, even built with some of your parts, and what do you think about funding us? Or we'll give it to you. We just want to do it. Pay our salary, we'll come work for you.' And they said, 'No.' So then we went to Hewlett-Packard, and they said, 'Hey, we don't need you. You haven't got through college yet.'" -- Apple Computer Inc. founder Steve Jobs, on attempts to get Atari and HP interested in his and Steve Wozniak's personal computer

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