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Bomb Jack

Bomb Jack



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In 11 Menus


[no date] by Elite × 1
1988 by Elite


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Screenshot of Roger
B. Bros Creation


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I've seen worse - but the music is a nogo. Either turn your speakers off or your ears will bleed to death!
March 15, 2006
The Paranoid
A bit typical for many games of this age: The 8-Bit conversions caused havoc, but the 16-Bit conversions somehow failed to succeed.

This goes for Bomb Jack, too. Funny as it sounds, the gameplay is closer to the arcade original than for example the famous C64-version, yet it's less fun.
Far too tame.
March 5, 2006
Silver Surfer
Remember this game first of all from the arcades, was really happy to see it come to the computer. Played it like a mad man back in the days. Smiley
April 8, 2004

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