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In 3 Menus


1988 by Software Horizons Ltd



Picture of Alan Tomkins
Random interview

About 2 years ago, while I was busy working on this new version of Atari Legend, Alan Garrison Tomkins all of a sudden became a member of the Atari ST group on Facebook. I had never heard of him before, but the amount of historical info he was sharing regarding the ST game scene, was simply staggering. Alan was a pixelartist at the peak of the 16bit era and has worked for Probe, Mirrorsoft and later on for Eidos (working on the first model of Tomb Raider's Lara Croft!) and other companies. At that moment I knew I had to do something with all of this and I asked him if he would be up for an interview when the new site would be ready. Little did I know that would take another 2 years. Finally this month I contacted Alan again and here we have the result. If you wonder what life was like as an 80’s pixelartist, please read on…

November 28, 2017 by ST Graveyard

Read interview of Alan Tomkins


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A HD/Falcon/MegaSTE/TT patched and, more importantly, bug-fixed version of this game can be found at Klaz' site
September 25, 2008
If you play Klaz' version of this game, and use the trainers you get to the very end and complete all the missions, you *still* get the 'Game Over' message. Not a single 'Congratulations' message appears!
January 6, 2008

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