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Marble Madness


1986 by Electronic Arts


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Marble Madness for the Atari ST looks beautiful but if you’ve played the NES version before, prepare to be slightly let down.

That’s not to say this conversion isn’t a good one, it’s just not as good as it could have been. The controls do not feel nearly as tight as they do on the NES. Also, there seems to be some oddness to the hit detection of the ball around the edges while guiding down narrow strips. Part of that could lend back to the controls however.

The music is good but the NES remains to be a preference all around. The thought, detail and care that went into the packaging with backstory of this game is probably the coolest I’ve ever seen. In the end, it’s cool to say we got Marble Madness for our Atari computers.
October 20, 2022

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