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Steem SSE 3.9.3 is out!

October 1, 2017 by Brume

News illustration image A new version of Steem SSE (Steven Seagal Edition) has been released. Here comes the version 3.9.3 of the famous emulator.

v3.9.3 Features

- Record to YM file.
- 'Advanced Settings' option (D3D). When unchecked, other options are simplified.
- New Option General/Mute sound when inactive.
- Notice: 'Macros' option page renamed 'Record Input'.
- When running a new version for the first time (based on existing ini if any), you get dialogs prompting you for a shortcut, home directories, etc.
This is to give you a chance to update the link in the Start Menu, but it's optional and you may skip the rest too.

v3.9.3 Emulation improvements

- Anti-aliasing filter for YM2149 emu (option 'C2'Smiley.
This improves the sound with all sample rates, at the cost of some CPU use (Star Trek).
Thx Mike Perkins for the C++ class.
- Hardware Hacks:
Support for Freeboot (disk side selector).
Support for STF hardware overscan (LaceScan and Autoswitch).
Support for STE YM/DMA sound mix fix, useful for Petari's little games Smiley
- STE paddles (thx Petari).

v3.9.3 Bugfixes / Refactoring

- Blitter start test (Great Giana Sisters STE).
- 6301/ACIA emulation (Warp STX).
- Removing some hacks in GLU/Shifter emulation.
- Floppy drive emulation at fast speed (no snails) is more compatible (Exile, Super Hang-On, Lost Patrol, ...).
- Multiple screens can have negative coordinates (D3D).
- Fire button of STE joysticks.
- Missing macro in OR.W Dn,<ea> (D-Bug 117).
- WD1772: Wrong status after command $D0 (Rogue SCP).
Trouble at Index Pulse (some dumps of Gunship SCP).
- Lost on ST disks with <9 sectors (Wipe-Out-RPL, broken v3.9.0)
- Black borders in monochrome mode (bug since the origins!)
With borders, the screen isn't centred anymore, sorry about that, but centring caused timing problems. It is correct emulation.
- Removed "multimedia" joystick support as it can cause crashes on some systems, only DirectInput is used now.
- Record Input and Paste Text with option 'C1'.
- Messed display when coming back from optional 16bit Fullscreen.
- Slow Motion (broken v3.8.2).
- Possible crash when loading a profile.

You can download here or here.
Also don't hesitate to visit the forum to talk about this new release.

Open for business ... Again!

October 1, 2017 by ST Graveyard

News illustration image After almost 3 years of late night coding sessions and a lot of hard work, we are finally able to release a first beta of this wonderfull project. Everything is here, games, reviews, interviews...and this time in a beautiful fully responsive environment (However, the skin switching did not make it in this release). We now also have an open control panel, so if you create an account, and you are interested in the inner workings of this project, be sure to check it out.

I personally would like to thank Mattias for teaching me the wonders of ajax (and so much more!), Bruno for disliking my first layout examples and showing me how a decent website should look, and my Sarah, for still being with me ;-)

I really hope you all enjoy this website in all its full HD glory. If you have questions or suggestions, or if you find a bug, please let us now. We really want to make the site a good as possible for you all. And yes ... there is much more to come! Game downloads are NOT available for now but will follow soon.

...Also don't forget to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter (It isn't 2004 anymore!)

This is STG, signing of!

PS : Also keep in mind we have cleaned up our user table. Accounts that have been inactive for the past 10 years, have been deleted. An email address is now also obligatory when creating a new account. If you forgot the pwd of your existing account and you haven't added an email address in the past (so you can not auto reset it), just get in touch with us and we will do the reset. Sorry for the inconvenience.

P.P.S : Sadly, yesterday evening I got the message there is a major style glitch in the top menu in Safari in full widescreen mode. I don't have a Mac, so I don't have Safari. The project has been tested in 6 browsers, Iphones, Ipad, android .... but no Safari :-) I want AL to be accessible to as many people as possible so I will do all I can to have this issue fixed ASAP. For now, use Chrome.

New game from the coders of PicrossST

May 15, 2009 by muguk

The Blind Labyrinth is a new release for your Atari machines. It's by the same team who coded last year's surprise hit, PicrossST.

Based on an old TV series only shown in Belgium in the 1980's, the maze is displayed before your eyes and you have to memorise it. The maze is then erased from the screen and you have to escape. Sounds easy? Well, that's when the computer throws a bad guy into the mix. They will try to track you down as you escape!

Coding by Shadow272, JB-Fou & Cooper. Graphics are by Mister DID with chip-music by DMA-SC & Shadow272.

What are you waiting for? Download and enjoy this new release!

We're back .. kind of

March 2, 2009 by muguk

Our initial thanks must go to Linkovitch (of the Jagfest BBS) for being our new host.

We also need to thank Mark Durban (our old host) for doing his best to get our data back from the hosting company who were moaning about us in the first place Smiley We got there in the end with some help from Linkovitch and his array of industry contacts Smiley

What's not working - ahem, quite a few things unfortunately. Whilst most of the back-end stuff seems to be working, there are several front-end bits that aren't Smiley We're getting there but, as we've all got full time jobs and other hobbies, it will take some time to get everything 100% fixed and tickety-boo.

Whilst we've been "offline", there are two other database sites out there and we hope to be able to work with both of them.

Guardians of the PaST is run by a fellow AL-member, Goldrunner (him of GamebaseST) Xperimental, Snaptari, X3peri_MENTaL, Marakatti and Ijor (another good friend of Atari Legend).

AtariMania is being run & looked after by Marakatti (yes, he's got fingers in both pies!), Trooper and Franck.

Both sites look good so far and I hope to be able to supply them with some scans for their specialist subjects Smiley

Mug UK/Atari Legend

Stickhead's Top 50 ST Games Survey

November 2, 2008 by muguk

News illustration image After a lot of research, result collating and general messing about with people's votes from loads of retro forums, including Atari Forum, Stickhead has finally released his Top 50 ST Games.

If you want to gander, then click here to see if your favourite games are in the top 50!

Many thanks go to Stickhead for undertaking this mammoth task. And as a mini-thank you, he's also started an ST-related blog which will feature a random game from the 4,834 (current) games stored on this here website Smiley

EuroCon 2008 details

May 22, 2008 by muguk

An email has been received from the organisers and this year's Eurocon / Retro-Borse (combined event) will be held on the weekend of 10th - 12th October 2008 in Karlsruhe, Germany.

From the email:

Here are the first details. More info later on www.eurocon.info.

* As with every Eurocon the last 9 years you can expect a weekend filled with fun, gaming, talking, trading, party, meeting of old and new friends and much more.

* The fee for the Eurocon will be 60€ per person.

Included are the participation, coffee/water, snacks, entrance to the RetroGames e.V. (www.retrogames.info), free entrance to the exhibitions of the ZKM, a guided tour to the exhibitions “YouSer” and “World of Games” on Sunday morning, one table (optional) at the Retro-Börse, transport to/from RetroGames and a lot more surprises

I'll be going most definitely - and hoping to find stuff to buy this time. Hope to see more Atarian's at the event too. Don't know about my mate and his JagVR helmet but if he's got it working, I daresay he'll be taking it too. See you there!

Screenshot of Anarcho Ride
Random review

We see a road, we see traffic, yet Anarcho Ride IS NOT a racing game! Instead, the creator tried to build an insane arcade game, and implemented some kind of 'achievement' system (like we see in games of today), to make you come back for more. And he achieved this goal.

August 7, 2018 by ST Graveyard

Read the review of Anarcho Ride

Did you know?

In 1984, Jack Tramiel fired over one thousand Atari Corp. employees, including then CEO James Morgan.

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