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In 11 Menus


1991 by Renegade × 2
1991 by Dro Soft

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the best ST game wrote to date in my books, great plot and learning curve..
stunning grafix and sound. the puzzles are not too taxing to leave you frustrated either.
alough the end can be a little hard for novices,.
pitty there is no remake for todays consoles.
January 8, 2006
paul thompson
I consider this to the Bitmap Brothers greatest moment on the ST or any other platform come to that. The graphics are of the same quality of all their other titles, slick and very polished. The sound effects are spot on, and the music will leave you stunned if you have never heard it before. Playability is tuned to perfection, this games just leads you in and never lets go.
July 30, 2005
Silver Surfer
One of the best games ever released! Ace stuff! Smiley
December 18, 2004

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