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Zak Mckracken and The Alien Mindbenders


1988 by Lucasfilm Games
1989 by U.S. Gold Ltd
1989 by U.S. Gold Ltd
1992 by Kixx XL (U.S. Gold)


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The Paranoid
Excellent Lucasfilm S.C.U.M.M.-adventure. Graphics have been taken from the EGA-version of the PC again, but at least the title music is better than the PC speaker soundtrack.

In case you have lost your Codes for the airport (ahem), the combination CTRL-G, then SHIFT-G , probably CTRL-G, SHIFT-G again, allows you to enter a number of a "room" to go to. I think "7" was the number of the modern and "8" the number of the classic airport. When buying a ticket then you are not prompted to enter a code.
December 27, 2005

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