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Added on January 31, 2018 by ST Graveyard
French website containing reviews and articles of games for all systems
Added on February 1, 2018 by ST Graveyard
Pompey Pirates info page. Everything you need to know about this crack team
Added on March 22, 2005 by Marcer
History and info page of the famous group The Replicants
Added on March 9, 2004 by Silver Surfer
Site that lists all games made for the ST along with interesting information about the games.
Added on March 4, 2004 by DBG
All about the classic Thalion games. Includes downloads for ST and Amiga.
Anyway, don't expect this game to be anything like real soccer... to my knowledge, the first game to look and play like the real thing was Konami' s "Winning Eleven" for Playstation. Sensible Soccer, with its fast and furious action, feels more like a pinball game, or an improved version of Pong.
July 31, 2001 by Lorenzo
Read the review of Sensible Soccer - European ChampionsEpyx created a handheld system called the "Handy". It was purchased by Atari and renamed "Lynx".
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