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Zany Golf

Zany Golf



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1988 by Electronic Arts
1988 by Electronic Arts
1988 by Electronic Arts



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Zany Golf is exactly that… Zany!

Things start off straight forward enough but increase in difficulty quickly. Sadly there is some jerkiness to the screen updating on a real Atari STe, I’m not sure if it’s due to the 8Mhz processor or what exactly, but feel like the machine is capable of pulling off a much smoother experience.

The graphics are above par and for a 2022 review, I feel they’re still surprisingly nice! A lot of attention to detail went into this game and it shows beautiful on screen.

The music is sparse. It starts with a little tune or jingle but doesn’t seem to loop or continue playing leaving you with a void of sound outside of FX of the ball movement.

Overall gameplay is decent. Wasn’t expecting more, wasn’t expecting less but did expect it to be a lot smoother than it is. In the end, still a cool putt putt game to check out for your Atari ST!
October 18, 2022

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