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1987 by Accolade
1987 by Accolade × 1


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This really brings back memories. My dad and I used to play this game head to head for hours. We knew all the players and all their strengths and weaknesses - don't even THINK about throwing Jerry McCall or Bobby Allen out at 2nd!

Soo much fun! The graphics were fine (not amazing but not bad enough to complain) although the players running was a little funny to watch.

Sound was par for the course considering the era. What can I say about the gameplay? Simple controls, easy to pick up and play. The only complaint I had, and this is from way back when, was that once you committed to a base, you couldn't go back. Once you were used to it, it added another element to the game!

Man, I love this game! I just wish we could find it amid the piles of boxes in the basement Smiley
January 14, 2007

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