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Blood Money

Blood Money



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In 8 Menus


1989 by Psygnosis



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Absolutely loved this back in the day, couldn't believe the graphics seemed like you had triple the usual number of colours on screen. Had great music and whilst gameplay was hard it was still very enjoyable.
October 21, 2022
I must have had a demo of some sorts, because there was only the submarine level and I never realized until recently that other vehicles were available!
December 20, 2020
Me and my brother used to play this game quite alot. I really enjoyed this game.

April 19, 2008
I'm a very tolerant gamer, but this game isn't very good. Tried to incorporate too many features/styles of play and didn't do any of it right. But hey it came with a t-shirt so I guess it's totally awesome in the t-shirt category.

Sorry GT Turbo, but I guess I'm a lamer.
December 1, 2006
GT Turbo

I have played and play yet now this game, i think it was one of the best STF game.

I have played with one and two players game, try it and love ! At the third level, enjoy the ice block, beautiful as all the others graphics of this game, beautifull background, beautiful music

if you don't like this game, you're a lamer !!

I have bought this game and i don't regret that !

GT Turbo (Blood Money is good for you !)
July 27, 2004

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