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1994 by Non-Commercial



Picture of Andrew Pomianowski
Random interview

Andrew Pomianowski was half of the team behind Starball. Andy did all the graphics using Degas Elite. He was inspired by the legendary Bitmap Brothers and much more. In this interview, he shares some of the details in the creation of this classic PD arcade pinball game.

December 18, 2021 by ST Graveyard

Read interview of Andrew Pomianowski


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ST Graveyard
This is a great pinball game. A bit of a cross between a shoot 'em up/arcade/pinball game. This table consist of 3 levels, one above the other. They take, on their turn, several screens. There are enemies flying all around, which you can destroy by hitting them. There are also 3 hidden bonus levels (1 screen pinball games). One of them is an Arkanoid pinball version.

The scrolling is very smooth, especially for an ST game. The graphics are very cool, dark and moody. Very fun game. Only surpassed by Obsession. But keep in mind this was freeware!
June 13, 2004

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