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North & South

North & South



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1989 by Infogrames
1991 by Action 16



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This game was so much fun... introducing the strategy map and in-game battle... so simple, yet, such good memories!! Loved shooting with the cannons!
January 11, 2024
A version by Klaz which works on all flavours of the Atari (inc. Mega/ST/E/Falcon030/TT compatible / 8/16 MHz) and works from HD and has the (new) memory snapshots / quit feature is available here. Minimum memory requirements : floppy: 512KB / hard disk: 1MB
November 10, 2008
haha ohhh baby Smiley

I played this one like hell! Smiley Great game!
March 19, 2006
Very funny and additive game for two players!

I remember good times with N&S and a friend. We played it a whole afternoon and just couldn't stop Smiley

A classic in one way or another!
March 16, 2006

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