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1988 by Electric Dreams Software


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Screenshot of Violent Death
Top Notch


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I used to spend hours playing that game until the 4th ( i think) level when it bugged Smiley
Hope this one won't !!
August 26, 2006
In my books, this is an excellent conversion! The gameplay really feels good.

As a testament to that watch the credits of the amiga version of R-Type, as head Amiga coder Holger Schmidt (of Turrican fame!) sends a thank you to the programmers (Karl Jeffrys and Rob Hylands) for the original code Smiley

February 19, 2006
Mediocre arcade conversion to the ST. The game is way too hard and the scrolling very jerky. This game demonstrates how hard it is to do fluent horizontal scrolling on the STFM. There are similar games that are much nicer to play on the ST.
June 3, 2004

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