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CJ in the USA


1992 by Codemasters



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The second (and last, I'm sure) game in the CJ the Elephant series.

Graphics have been improved, which is nice. The game has a full soundtrack, which is sweet. It has some unique gameplay elements (such as the umbrella that allows you to control your descent), and it's very very HAPPY.

Now, despite its appearances, this is a tricky game. The level design is lame too. You start out in what you can discern is a boat, and move onto girders, but things become more and more abstract and the levels and up resembling nothing. The shortcomings such as these cause the game to become boring quite fast unfortunately and as much as I wanted to love CJ and his testicle-launching trunk he couldn't keep me engaged.

I feel bad about this. The poor little guy tried pretty hard too.
January 18, 2008

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