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Eddie Wilkes

Eddie Wilkes


Eddie made a bunch of menus disks for various crews: Automation, Pure Energy, New Order and The Guardians of Logik. He used to be known as The Bald Eagle and also released some compilations with his nickname only. Here is an interview with the very popular TBE!


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Eddie Wilkes Interview

Written by Brume

December 22, 2002

1) First words
2) Buying a computer
3) Compilations on the Atari
4) Nickname
5) First crews
6) Automation member
7) Coding and packing
8) Programs used
9) Entering Awesome?
10) Leaving Automation
11) Pure Energy experience
12) Old contacts
13) Latest D-bug disks
14) Future plans
15) Final words

1) Hello TBE. Glad to do an interview with you. Could you introduce yourself (passion, age, job,...)?
Passion is computing and football (Manchester United). Lets just say I am over 40 now. I run my own company as a Business Analyst.

2) What was the first computer you bought?
First computer was a Commodore 64, followed by the Atari ST. I always wanted an Amiga so bought one of these for my wife's birthday (went down well) and now happily on the PC.

3) When did you begin to release compilation disks on Atari?
A long time ago now but I would guess around 1987-88

4) Where does your nickname come from?
Lets just say I was always follicly challenged.

5) Was New Order your first crew?
No, I released some for The Guardians of Logik (GOL) before they joined Automation and I did not want to. Along with New Order I also released some TBE menus.

6) Then you joined Automation?
I was asked at a computer show in London by The Mob and Vapour to join Automation. I think they only wanted to kill off the competition as New Order were releasing the games quicker than they could.

7) What was your main job for Automation? Which pack/crack are you the most proud of?
I did some of the packing and menu compilation for them. I dabbled with 68000 and did do the odd menu of my own. I don't have any favourites as I enjoyed them all.

8) Which programs did you use?
The usual packers and GenST for coding.

9) I've heard some rumours that you joined Awesome. Is that true?
I used to speak to Jimmy (James) but I do not remember ever joining them. I'm getting old now and the memory could be fading.

10) When did you leave Automation? Why?
When we got the 500 it just seemed to be a chore and I decide to buy a PC instead.

11) Then you joined Pure Energy. Why did you stop after PE experience?
I got bored with it all, too much work for little reward, plus the software was drying up.

12) Are you still in contact with old members of New Order, Automation or Pure Energy?

13) Did you see the latest releases of D-Bug (considered as Automation's children)?
I used to get them from Rob (Vapour) at the start but as stated I got the PC and sold the Atari ST.

14) What's your current project?
No projects now. My son is at college and I am helping him out with his Visual BASIC work.

15) Some last words to add?
It was a great time back then with some people taking it far too seriously. A lot of the slagging was for real but some was tongue in cheek. It's good to get some decent ST emulators on the PC to relive some of the moments.

Thanks a lot TBE. It was a big surprise to receive an email from you!

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