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1988 by The Edge


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Hahahahaha. Oh dear. What an absolute shocker of a game. You, as the mighty WARLOCK, must trudge at pitifully slow speed through a big dungeony maze full of endlessly respawning jawas, pointy-hatted ladies and armoured bastards, all of whom want to hurt you for some reason. Perhaps they've mistaken you for an employee of The Edge. If you're lucky you might stumble across a magical thingimajig which can turn you into a pathetic goblin or a slightly less pathetic troll, who can kill people by walking into them. You can also find keys to unlock doors, which allow you furthelrezzzzzzzzzzz

Apart from the laughable title screen, the graphics are reasonably well drawn, but the slowdown when more than two sprites appear on screen is unbelievable. There are only two sound effects, and no music at all. The troll's "walking" noise makes him sound like he's got biscuit tins nailed to his feet. Also, if you like controlling things with a joystick then you probably won't like this game, because you can't.

They actually included Warlock in an early ST bundle along with the equally naff Chopper X. I can only imagine the sheer horror of someone who's first experience of 16-bit gaming was this.
December 27, 2007

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