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In 2 Menus


[no date] by Hewson



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Slayer on ST has one real good point: it has smooth horizontal scrolling. If you don't like the jerky R-Type or the incredible unfair Zynaps, this is something to try if you like horizontal scrolling shooters.

I like this game Smiley
September 21, 2007
Good horizontal shooters, or "R-Type clones," are tough to come by on ST. So how does this effort published by the legendary Hewson fare?

Graphics are decent for their time. The stages feature some well-coded obstacles too. However, the A.I. of the enemies is terrible and they move in really lame uninteresting patterns. The sound effects are annoying as well I'm afraid. Also, this game commits the ultimate crime of computer shoot-em-ups: No in-game music! Without the tunes, the elements of speed and action are lost.

How's the gameplay though? Well, it's very easy to power-up your ship. The items sit there for you to pick up without any challenge. Most of the cool obstacles in the game, such as a giant mechanical train thing that does a figure-eight around you, are repeated over and over again throughout the game which eliminates the need for quick thinking in this kind of game.

So that's the rundown. If you haven't realized that I don't like this game by this point, then you'll probably love playing Slayer!
July 10, 2007

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