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Shufflepuck Cafe

Shufflepuck Cafe



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In 2 Menus


1989 by Broderbund Software


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What an amazing game !!!!!!
March 5, 2009
This game is one of my favorites. How many times spent trying to beat Eneg or Bejin! Searching for their weak point. How irritating it is to see them laughing at you when you miss the puck but how funny it is to see them as bad losers when you win!

Graphicaly this game is good, not excellent but good anyway. All the challengers have their own personality and it contributes to the atmosphere.

A strong point of the game according to me. The sound is not exceptional but it also gives good environment effects like the sound of broken glass or Eneg's grunt.

I suggest you will need to have a good mousepad or else you'll miss pucks. One second of distraction and it's too late... Don't give your challengers the opportunity to laugh at you! You can play with a joystick but mousepad is really recommended for this kind of game.

Everybody knows this game. It's an exciting, thrilling game.

Game Tip
When you see that you will miss the puck, just press space. A menu will appear. Exit the menu and the puck will be on the initial position.
December 10, 2004

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