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1991 by Non-Commercial


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KICKER was one of the first German-speaking football managers. Inspired by the Footballmanager published in 1984 on the ZX Spectrum, KICKER was developed on the Atari ST from 1987 and had a number of then really fresh features that set it apart from comparable games. KICKER was later bought bei Starbyte and published commercially as Starbyte Super Soccer.

I just wanted to let you know that there is a memorial page about KICKER

You can find it on https://kicker.weigand.xyz

You can find there a new release for the Atari ST that fixes some bugs of the version finalized in 1991. It runs great with all the Atari ST emulators like Hatari.

What set KICKER apart from other football management games in the early 1990ies

- 4 leagues from the association league to the Bundesliga
- Participation in the German and international cup
- over 700 authentic German players, and over 100 clubs
- A well thought out and well structured game menu
- Mouse control (!)
- Exciting graphic game scenes
- 1 - 6 players
- Player transfers, training camps, team management, advertising, stadium expansion and more….
- A variety of graphical statistics and tables
- Probably unique to this day: self-defined “football worlds”, in which the rules could be individually adapted
May 30, 2021

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