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Defender of the Crown

Defender of the Crown



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In 2 Menus


1987 by Cinemaware Corporation
1987 by Mirrorsoft
1991 by Mirror Image


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La version ultime de Defender of the Crown.
Plus complète, plus complexe aussi, cette version est un véritable chef-d’œuvre et montre que, malgré des capacités inférieures à l'Amiga, bien programmé, l'Atari ST en a sacrément dans le ventre !
Bref, un must have !
July 15, 2023
paul thompson
The best and most complete version of Defender of the Crown was the Atari ST version, and that is according to Cinemaware the developer. The Amiga version ended being rushed with some features not even implemented, I find it ironic that one of the flagship titles on that machine it bettered by the ST version. DOTC was the first in Cinemaware
February 24, 2005

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