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BMX Simulator

BMX Simulator



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In 3 Menus


1988 by Codemasters



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In this overhead racer, bikes (specifically bmx's) not cars are the order of day.

Racing around various dirt tracks you must endeavour to beat your opponent (computer or 2 player) into 2nd place or beat a qualifying time to progress to the next track. The gfx are very nice with excellent use of both detail and colour, and the sound is not at all bad either.

However, the gameplay suffers from a number of frustrating problems. Collision detection at times is poor, and your bike can become permanantly stuck at the edges of some tracks. In addition you always come off worse in collisions with the computer rider which seems a tad unfair. Taken together, these problems not only make the game needlessly difficult, but also seriously detract from any enjoyment you might get.

Verdict: Nice looking but let down by gameplay. Smiley
August 8, 2005

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