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The original release had some bugs in it. These were fixed in a re-release version in 2024 by another coder.
To make the game playable I made the following changes:
Local conditions ( room 705 )
No. Conditions
2 if verb "shout" then 11 topcol 475 7 topcol 700 8 topcol 7 9 topcol 576 10 topcol 576 lf message 139 then set 139 lf wait
Local conditions ( room 712 )
No. Conditions
6 if reset? 492 if reset? 493 and carried 6 and ( verb "fire" and noun "tid" ) then special 66 split split lf message 492 then set 492 lf wait
7 if set? 492 and carried 6 and verb "fire" and noun "tid" then special 66 lf message 493 then reset 492 then set 493 lf wait
8 if carried 6 if set? 493 and verb "fire" and noun "tid" then special 66 lf message 494 then special 60 then goto 715 3 colour 777 lf message 495 lf wait
Local conditions ( room 715 )
No. Conditions
4 if carried 2 if verb "throw" and noun "dagger" then 2 to 715 then lf message 715 message 718 set 31 lf wait \ starts to choke
5 if carried 6 and verb "throw" and noun "tid" then 6 to 715 then lf message 715 lf wait
6 if carried 6 and verb "fire" and noun "tid" then lf message 630 lf wait
164 You missed!!
Low priority conditions
No. Conditions
1 if set? 40 if verb "fire" and noun "tid" and noun "at" if noun1 then special 44 lf wait
4 if carried 6 if set? 40 and ( ( verb "fire" and noun "tid" ) and ( adverb "at" and noun "apeg" ) ) then special 66 then special 44 lf wait
Special conditions ( number 44 )
No. Conditions
1 if not carried 6 then message 9910 return
2 special 66
3 if set? 40 and counter 20 = random 5 then lf message 772 then reset 40 lf wait else message 164 lf wait
4 return
Special conditions ( number 66 )
No. Conditions
1 split split
2 draw pictof 666 3 topcol 0 pause 50
3 message 667 10 topcol 400 pause 5 9 topcol 500 pause 5 8 topcol 600 pause 5 7 topcol 700 pause 5 6 topcol 710 pause 5 10 topcol 0 5 topcol 720 pause 5 9 topcol 0 4 topcol 730 pause 5 8 topcol 0 2 topcol 740 pause 5 message 668 7 topcol 0 6 topcol 0 5 topcol 0 4 topcol 0 2 topcol 0 14 topcol 700 pause 10 15 topcol 744 pause 10 14 topcol 0 15 topcol 0
4 pause 50 draw pictof room
5 return
Special conditions ( number 120 )
No. Conditions
15 if ( adverb "blue" ) then lf message 258 wait
16 if ( adverb "green" ) then lf message 259 wait
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