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Light Quest

Light Quest



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1991 by Titus


Picture of Alain Fernandes
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When you look at the resumé of Alain Fernandes, you can only be impressed. He was there from the very early days and is still making games to this day. But most important for us Atari ST fans, Alain was an employee of Titus Software from 1986 till 1991. He converted the classic Crazy Cars and completely coded Fire & Forget. Intrigued? Read on ...

June 30, 2022 by ST Graveyard

Read interview of Alain Fernandes


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It was to be published and developed by Titus, so chances are it would be sub-par anyway. I'm not mourning the loss of this one.
March 9, 2007
unfortunately, the game has never been even started on the ST.

We only have a horribly buggy Amiga version of the game.
March 3, 2007
this looks very interesting... would love to see a final version.
April 5, 2006

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