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Dungeon Master - Conflux

Dungeon Master - Conflux



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2002 by Non-Commercial


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There are 6 different ends:
1. Recover the Crown of the Kings from the Archmaster of Mampang.
2. Discover the Spy in the Council and recover the Gem of the Dwarven Fortress.
3. Clean the Undercity and collect Objects of Power.
4. Find a Cure for the Curse of the Darc Armor
5. Lead the Balrogs against the Council.
6. Banish the Hordes of Demons from our Plane and return.

There are 4 special objects: Guild grades.
THROWING STARS grant access to the NINJAS
MACES grant access to the FIGHTERS
STAVES grant access to the PRIESTS
CORBAMITE grant access to the WIZARDS

Read the Sealed letter from the Council, then the Fragments of the annals of the Guilds.
September 25, 2005

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