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Dungeon Master - Conan and The Mountain of Tor Al'Kiir

Dungeon Master - Conan and The Mountain of Tor Al'Kiir



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1999 by Non-Commercial


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You are Conan, the Captain of the Free Company. With
you is Karela The Red Hawk, Machaon the Koth part of
Conans Free Company and Boros the drunk Magician.
You have been betrayed by Al Kiirs servant Lady
Synelle. She has had most of your Free Company killed
off, by the powers given to her by her god Al Kiir.
Wanting to take revenge on her and to protect
yourself from harm, you must stop her power.
This can only mean one thing.... killing her god!!!
And there is only one thing that can stop the god, the
thing which sealed the god in the mountain, it is the
Staff Of Avanrakash.

To Play the Game:

To Play the game you must choose the following characters, reincarnate them, and change there names, to there new name.

Halk The Barbarian -> Conan Of The Freecompany
Sonja the Red -> Karela The Red Hawk
Zed -> Machaon The Koth
Elija -> Boros The Magician

So to play the game, you must enter the mountain of Al'Kiir, select your characters. Find the Staff Of Avanrakash and kill Al'Kiir with it.
September 25, 2005
Based on Conan The Triumphant by Robert Jordan

The great granite mound called Tor Al kiir crouched like
a malevolent toad in the night, wearing a crown of
toppled walls and ruined columns, memories of failed
attempts by a score of Ohirean dynasties to build
there. Man had long since forgotten the origin of the
mountains name, but they knew it for a place of ill luck
and evil, and laughed at the formerkings who had not
had the sense. Yet their laughter was tinged with
unease for there was about the mountain that made it
a place to avoid even in thought.

In the fabled kingdom of Ophir, Conan and his Free Company
of mercenaries enter the service of the
voluptuous dark eyed Lady Synelle, unaware that she
is, in secret, high priestess of Al Kiir, the sharp horned,
multi fanged demon god whose worship is almost
forgotten in the kingdom.

Better for humankind if it were totally forgotten!

For Al Kiirs rites centre upon the sacrifice of beautiful
women, such as Conans fiery acquaintance, the
luscious bandit queen Karela the Red Hawk. And Al Kiir
also demands the eternal enslavement of perfect
September 25, 2005

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