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Dungeon Master - Bennis Dungeon I

Dungeon Master - Bennis Dungeon I



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2000 by Non-Commercial


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Story: (same as DM)

Aim: Kill Lord Chaos.

Monsties are a BIT tougher than in original, i removed boring riddles and added some funny ones.
The dungeon is very straight and has many hidden treasures. You will get and need very high level chars. It's the DM i always wantedSmiley Now enjoy and please send me comments!

Random lockups may occur, so I recommend to save regularly (i got used to save at any stairs).
Graphical Errors at Level 5.
Lockup at Level 9 at plain wooden door (seems to be avoidable if door is entered backwards)

- Very Unstable Data Disk, Sorry!
September 25, 2005

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