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R-Type II


1989 by Activision


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I've played alot of shooters in my lifetime, but this one is still my favourite horizontally-scrolling shooter on any Atari ST. Slow paced but extremely hardcore cyberpunk shooter with awesome weapon effects and huge bosses. Music is good, but loops a little too frequently. Obviously not as good looking as the arcade original, but it's great fun and an absolutely legendary game series.
December 1, 2006
The Paranoid
This game suffered the same fate like many sequels of famous games do. The arcade version was not very succesfull and so were the computer conversions.
The ST version is not that bad, scrolling and sprites move in acceptable speed, the music is okay but the game turns out to be a bit lifeless.

Could have been done better, but i've seen a lot worse conversions.
December 30, 2005

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